Friends of Pen & Publish

Professional Organizations

Independent Publishers Association
St. Louis Publishers Association
St. Louis Writers Guild
Missouri Writers Guild
and/or check your city for writing and publishing groups


NewPages is one of our favorite resources. It features a robust independent publishers' database, book reiews, calls for submissions, literary magazines, and resources for everyone from young writers to established authors.
Poets & Writers is another important resource for everyone interested in books and publishing. They also feature a small press database so you can find a good match for your manuscript, job listings, conferences, contests . . . you name it.
Funds for Writers
Check out our friend Hope Clark for great newsletters for all ages. Books, contests, grants, e-books, newsletters . . . Resources designed to help writers make more money.
Jane Friedman: Her website hosts a wealth of articles on everything from what kind of publishing is right for you to how to market your books.
Book Launch Marketing Checklist (Tim Grahl)
How to create an author website (Tim Grahl)
National Writing Project
Writing is essential to success in school and the workplace. Yet writing is a skill that cannot be learned on the spot; it is complex and challenging. Through NWP's professional development programs, teachers in all subject areas and all grade levels learn new strategies to help their students become accomplished writers and learners.

Our Imprints

Our newest imprint, Brick Mantel Books, publishes literary fiction and poetry. Keep an eye out for exciting news and new releases!

You will find some excellent books coming out of our Body/Mind/Spirit imprint, Transformation Media Books.
For fiction and non-fiction for all ages, visit Open Books Press.