The Apollo Literary Magazine: 25th Edition
Arcola Intermediate School


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  • Retail List Price: $15.00
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  • ISBN: 978-1-941799-87-1
  • Publication Date: Jun 10, 2021
  • 6 x 9 in., 108 pages
We proudly present the 25th edition of The Apollo, Arcola Intermediate School's literary book featuring the creative writing of over 50 seventh and eighth graders. It is the result of much effort by the literary staff, the Apollo Club, which is composed of talented editors, writers, and illustrators, who were selected and/or recommended by teachers for the Company.

About the Author

Arcola Intermediate School is located in Eagleville, Pennsylvania and is part of the Methacton School District. The school is composed of over 800 seventh and eighth graders and is filled with talented writers, artists, musicians, athletes, readers, mathematicians, scientists, and students of all subject areas.