À la carte Author Services by Pen & Publish

With the same attention to detail as our traditional titles, our book publishing services are $60 per hour, with most books taking 15 to 25 hours to complete interior print and ebook layout and cover design. Editing fees are based on type of editing, book length and complexity, and may be billed hourly or as an overall project rate—we will always discuss with you before we start your project. Our design services are available independent of printing and distribution, or you can choose the options best for you based on your quantity and distribution needs. Ebook versions can be created, as can author websites at the same rate.

Pen & Publish's flexible approach includes the option to use crowdfunding and/or advance orders to fund publishing costs and jump-start book promotion and help you achieve your goals.

Individuals or groups wanting to start their own small press or imprint are welcome.

Query us at info@penandpublish.com with your basic information and to set up a free phone consultation.

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Book Design and Formatting

Beginning with your manuscript, ideas, and any graphics you choose to provide, we mix in our ideas and additional graphics as needed. We send what we've conceived to our graphic artist who takes it all in to create the cover design and interior formatting. We review and then send the PDF proofs for you to provide revisions and corrections until you say it is ready.

If we need to purchase images, we will bill you at cost + 10% or give you the option of purchasing directly from the source. Cover images may be available from the public domain or Creative Commons (free), as a low-cost (usually under $100) royalty-free image, or be custom designed (charge based on artist and particular design).

Partial projects, work you or someone else has started, are acceptable. Please reach out for our print or digital specifications to help save you time and money during the design process.

Corrections are made both in pre-press prep and during PDF proofing. During pre-artist review, any typos and obvious errors found are brought to your attention so you can approve their correction. In-depth proofreading or editing, such as copyediting or line editing, is only done if you request it. We will always advise you if further editing is in your best interest.

Consulting and Project Management

We leave you in control, while giving you our straight feedback and ideas before and after the book is on the market.

  • What are your objectives for the book?
  • Do you have a marketing plan, including budget?
  • Do you want to seek book reviews?
  • Do you need editing? What type?

Our 15- to 25-hour project estimate includes 2 to 4 hours of pre-artist review, consulting, and project management. It does not include editing time, if needed, as it is highly dependent upon the type of editing needed (ranging from proofreading to developmentnal editing); the book length, genre, and complexity; and the number of edits needed.

Individuals or groups wanting to start their own small press or imprint are welcome. Query us at info@penandpublish.com with your basic information and to set up a free initial phone consultation.

Printing and Distribution

Press runs, digital POD, or both, and distribution are determined by what fits. Amazon's Kindle and other ebook versions, including iBooks (iPad), EPUB, and PDF, and distribution are available.

POD (Print-On-Demand) Books
POD offers affordable quality and distribution, and competitive prices for small book quantities. Books are distributed through the wholesaler Ingram Book Group and are available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and a wide network of booksellers. Titles can also be made available in the UK, Europe, Australia, Canada, and many other countries worldwide, and the Espresso Book Machine.

Grayscale and full-color options are available.

Books can be made returnable if bookstore stocking is part of your strategy. We charge a deposit of $200, and returns can be designated as destroy or return. Returns designated for return are actually printed and the new book charged at $3.00 plus shipping. Either option reverses the original sale and is charged back against royalties.

The cost of books sold through wholesale/retail outlets is deducted from the wholesale price (no up-front author payment required).

Print Runs
Larger volume and specialty printing or binding needs make traditional print runs a viable option. Books are shipped directly to the author. Payment terms vary, but full payment is required before books ship. The proofing process varies by printer. Offset runs typically require 4–6 weeks for US printers and 3 months or more for overseas companies.

Print runs needing dedicated distribution go through an Author-designated specialty distributor A 55% discount to the wholesaler is standard, with books being returnable. In most cases, the author will ship directly to the distributor.

Publisher Direct Sales and Distribution
We prefer to drive sales traffic directly to your website or other retail outlets. You can choose to have your book for sale directly from our website as long as the content does not conflict with our family-friendly standards.

Direct wholesale for bulk buys can also be arranged to fit your needs.

Formatting ebooks can take as little as one or up to several hours, and can be done along with or independent of printed books. Amazon Kindle is the dominant market leader, but the other standard formats are available, including EPUB and PDF.


Projects vary from a few days to months, with 3–5 months being normal from the receipt of your manuscript until books are available through booksellers. If needed, advance review copies can add as much as six months, and editing after submission often adds 4 or more weeks.

Offset print runs typically require 4 weeks or more. POD is 5 days to print, plus shipping time.

Client Small Press or Imprint

If you are an organization, company, or individual who want to incorporate book publishing to meet ongoing objectives, we can help you create an independent small press.

Publishing professionals are welcome to contact us about creating an imprint as part of Pen & Publish, LLC.

Small press service options cover the full spectrum, from pre-production planning to ongoing administration. Website and logo design assistance are available. Agreements are customized.

Want to know more?

Read testimonials from authors who have worked with us (many of whom return to work with us for subsequent books and/or refer other authors to us).

Email us for any further questions.